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The Physiology Course
(in partnership CoreAalst)

28-29 April 2025  |  ORSI, Belgium


Two-day, in-person event promises an immersive educational experience, featuring lectures by international experts, hands-on Cath Lab sessions, and live cases demonstrating practical coronary physiology applications.

Our focus will be on clinically relevant concepts, encompassing physiology-guided PCI, coronary microvascular dysfunction (CMD), and emerging technologies.

Aimed at

Interventional cardiologists or Cardiac physiologists, who want to expand or enhance their understanding and use of physiology in their practice.

Register your interest here


The CT Course
(in partnership CoreAalst)

7-8th July ’25  |  ORSI, Belgium


Two-day, in-person event promises an immersive educational experience, focusing on developing understanding of the emergent use and significance of CT in PCI Pre-procedural planning.

The goal is to provide a platform to understand and experience the value of enhanced imaging as a PCI planning tool. To include interactive use of emergent CT technologies and an understanding in how these relate to OCT / IVUS

Aimed at

Interventional cardiologist, who want to enhance their understanding of pre-procedural planning and enhanced Imaging.

Note: this course is also run in other geographies

Register your interest here


Optima PCI 2025 UK

October 2025  |  London


Two-day, in-person event promises an immersive educational experience, featuring bespoke, tailored lectures by international faculty, live cases from global centres, and interactive hands-on sessions within the same cohesive clinical thread. We call this the Why-How-Try methodology.

Our goal is to support positive behavioural change in healthcare teams that foster improved patient care. In this meeting our focus will be on clinically relevant concepts.

Aimed at

Interventional cardiologists (new and old), and their teams who want to expand or enhance their knowledge of advanced and complex PCI.

* Note: this course is also run in other geographies.

Register your interest here