
Where can we help each other?

The world is too complex to travel alone

At Optima, we believe that partnering is crucial in leveraging strengths and resources, accessing new markets, and fostering innovation. By collaborating we combine expertise to solve important problems.

Our partnerships extend from exploring and understanding problems to creating compelling educational resources. We focus on measuring what works, iterating and refining solutions to keep raising the bar.

If you share our commitment to advancing healthcare through collaboration and innovation, let's work together to make a difference.


Technology that fails to understand people, fails. At Optima, we understand the critical role that physicians play in advancing healthcare. That's why we've made it a priority to work closely with physicians from around the world to explore and research problems, develop new ideas, and build educational content.

These collaborations are essential to understanding problems more deeply and finding the best ways to educate and inform healthcare professionals more widely.

Optima work closely with physicians from around the world


Industry plays a crucial role in Cardiology, providing essential research, medicine, technology, and support to healthcare providers. Yet, technology that fails to understand people, fails. Equally, not aligning to patient-level goals is a recipe for disaster.

At Optima, we believe that education is central to the success of the industry. By partnering with both big and small companies, we develop understanding to share key insights and messages and focus learning to make the biggest impact.

Industry plays a crucial role in the field of cardiology, providing essential research, medicine, technology, and support to healthcare providers.


Good practice isn’t competitive. Collaborating to solve the complex problems we all face is essential. We love to work with organisations that share our commitment to making a difference. By working together, we can create an ecosystem that functions effectively towards the greater good.

This approach ensures consistent messaging and learning. We believe that by combining our strengths and expertise, we can achieve more than we could alone. Join us in our mission to raise the bar in education.


At Optima, we believe that solving complex problems in healthcare requires a multi-disciplinary approach beyond traditional barriers. That's why we work with clinical, illustrative, and behavioral specialists to ensure that we understand and address all aspects of a problem.

By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, we can fuel progress and reduce friction in the healthcare system. If this cause resonates, we should work together.